ConversionCow Comes With Tracking Data
ConversionCow is designed to give you the best insight as to how your visitors are responding to your Conditional Popouts.
There are 3 methods of reporting offered by ConversionCow on the effectiveness of your Popups. 2 of which are already native to your ConversionCow account while 1 would require some setup to access the data already transmitted by the application.
Report 1: Statistics Overview
Figure 1: Statistics Overview dashboard
Statistics Overview gives you the broadest insight into how your account is performing as a whole.
This gives you the
- Total Visitors
- Unique Visitors
- Unique Opens
- Unique Interactions
of all your Popouts in your account. There is another section dedicated on how each of the Popout Campaigns are performing (refer Report 2) but at this level, it is the combined total.
To help you understand what the difference is between Visitors, Opens & Interactions, we will continue using the MaxFit website as an example of a possible visitor action on that site.
Example User Journey
Say a visitor comes into the website homepage after hours and performs the following Actions:
- As they scroll down, a Popout Tab slides out from the right with the message "Get 20% off on hot water systems! (After hours)".
Figure 2: Popout tab on homepage
- The visitor decides to find out more about the company and he clicks on the About Page. As he scrolls down and reads about the company, again, the same Popout appears.
- After knowing a bit more about MaxFit, the visitor's curiosity is piqued and he clicks on the tab. The tab then slides open to reveal the full marketing message.
Figure 3: Popout slideout on About Us page
- It so happens that his hot water system has broken down and he decides to click on the number to enquire about the system and installation.
- While waiting for someone to answer the call, he also simultaneously leaves his name and email address and clicks on 'Save Today' to submit his details.
In the example above, these are how the stats would stack up:
Total Visitors: 2 (Actions 1 & 2: When Popout tab comes into view on homepage & About page)
Unique Visitors: 1 (from cookie inserted into the browser when first coming to the homepage)
Unique Opens: 1 (Action 3: Clicking on the Popout tab)
Unique Interactions: 2 (Actions 4 & 5: Clicking on the phone number & submitting details via form)
The table below represents the full list of actions that make it to the Unique Interactions count
content-open = click content-show = open video-start = interaction telephone-click = interaction email-click = interaction address-click = interaction button-click = interaction form-input = interaction form-submitted = interaction calendly-event-scheduled = interaction calendly-event-datetime-selected = interaction
Statistics Overview Functionality
- You can determine the period of the statistics that you would want to look at by clicking on either Weekly or Monthly. Toggling between the two will always show the latest week/month you are currently in (as the default)
Figure 4: Weekly/Monthly toggle
- You can then click on the date range selector next to it to select a prior week/month. You get to select up to 11 weeks prior, or 2 months before.
Figure 5: Range selector
- The period selected would then determine all of the statistics that you would get below it
- Visitors, Opens & Interactions
Figure 6: Statistics over selected period
- Device split of visitors interacting with your Popout
Figure 7: Device split over selected period
- Top performing Popouts
Figure 8: Shows your top performing Popout over the selected period
Note: 2nd performing popout shows 'Not Available & Not Available' if you delete your last Popout and it happened to do well.
- Bar chart on visitor, opens & interactions
Figure 9: Daily bar chart over the month
- Visitors, Opens & Interactions
Report 2: Campaign Overview
Figure 10: Campaign overview
Within ConversionCow, you are able to view the performance of each Campaign in the Campaign section. Each will have its own Total Impressions, Total Opens and Total Interactions to help you distinguish which campaign are more successful than others.
Report 3: Google Analytics (Requires Setup)
Besides the dashboard in Conversion Cow that gives you a broad performance overview of your total as well as individual campaigns: Behind the scenes, ConversionCow also transmits the data of every clickable interaction made by your visitor. You just need to know how to extract the data transmitted to be displayed on your analytics.
To learn how to extract the data with just the use of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) without Google Tag Manager, in this article:
28 - Setting Up Tracking Without Google Tag Manager (article not yet ready, coming soon in 2024)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: My Google Analytics website users is different to my ConversionCow Visitors, why is that?
A: Visitors are defined as users who have visited your website, Google Analytics users have a different definition and require the user to interact with the website before being counted. See more info,
So it's likely if ever performing a comparison, the results may differ between Google Analytics and ConversionCow.
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